Diamond cutting blades

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Diamond cutting blades are divided into segmental and even discs.

The purpose of diamond cutting blades can be very diverse. They are used for cutting old, fresh, reinforced concrete, asphalt, natural stone, granite, brick, roof tiles, chamotte, clinker.

Segmental discs for concrete – diameter 115, 125, 150, 230, 300, 350, 400, 450 mm.
Discs from 300 mm and larger diameter are used for cutting asphalt. Also from 300 mm – used for both stationary and self-propelled machines. Larger discs are also used for cutting fresh concrete. For cutting smooth disc tiles – diameter 115, 125, 150, 180, 200 mm (115 and 125 mm diameter discs are used with an angle grinder, others – on cutting machines).

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